Creating a Flash Banner


Standard banner sizes        We use 800 pix width 125 pix height

Here is how to get started in Flash with Frame by Frame animation and then tween based animation.

Getting Started >  lets make a banner for your animation page that will become part of your portfolio.

First think about what you want to say on the banner .... keep it simple!!
MY ANIMATIONS  might be all you need to say.

Set your stage to
800x 125 pix

> Type in MY  in one layer (label layer "MY")

> Set up another layer and type ANIMATIONS (label layer ANIMATIONS)

> Think of a background image and get it from Google .......

> size in PhotoShop and place on a new layer ( you will have 3 layers) (label layer IMAGE)

Note: you can change the properties of the text in the properties box below
the stage

How long do you want the simple animation to be? I will choose 3 seconds and then loop it.
To give nice quality to the animation I will select 30 frames/sec. (makes it video compatible)

I will make the words move into place (100%+ ease), enlarge, while  increasing the the opacity and then have them fade while a background image slowly appears while they fade away.
The word
MY will be made to rotate 1 time and
the word
ANIMATION will simply enlarge as it slides into place and then changes colour (tint)

The trick is to use tweening. | 1 | 2 |

To set up a tween you must .....

> establish an initial key frame
> INSERT > key frame
> INSERT > create motion tween
> estimate the time (in frames) and set another key frame at the end of that time and then make the change in position or tint or alpha at that key frame
> your tween will happen between the 2 key frames

remember that a key frame is a point in time when a major change in position, tint, alpha, etc. takes place .......
the tween process automatically makes the transition between the 2 key frames.

> you might add an image such as the eyes that fade in and then out
> to add the eyes they must be imported into the LIBRARY
then you can get the image onto the stage by first creating a new layer
and then opening the library


FILE > EXPORT your .swf movie and then insert into your 650pix wide animation page table

remember that there are 2 file types
.fla file which retains all your layers and is a large file used to edit and the
.swf file which is rendered into a low file size for publishing to the web but cannot be edited ( the above movie is .swf)